Is growth an illusion? | Deutsche Bank hosting event programme at #wef2020 in Davos to discuss the post-growth challenge

by | Jan 19, 2020 | News

Growth has been a huge positive force for human development, but over the last 50 years the side-effects have increased to a dangerous level for the planet and society. Debt is at record highs, inequality is fuelling extreme politics and the damage we are doing to our environment may be impossible to reverse. Is there an alternative to growth as we know it? Can we bypass a lengthy industrialisation process and move to a technology and services-led economy with manufacturing processes made less carbon-intensive? Can future economic growth be tied to improved environmental outcomes?

Under the title Is Growth an Illusion?, Deutsche Bank hosted an event programme in Davos, accompanying the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, to discuss the future of growth with leading politicians and internationally renowned experts from various fields. CUSP director Tim Jackson joined Deutsche US Chief Executive Christiana Riley and co-panellist Andrew McAfee in the early afternoon of 21 January 2020. Other discussants during the programme included Robert J Shiller and Nicholas Stern.


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