Early Day Motions

Predatory financial practices and the adult social care sector | Early Day Motion #767

Predatory financial practices and the adult social care sector | Early Day Motion #767

APPG vice chair Clive Lewis MP tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM) to call on the Government to address the predatory financial practices as exposed in the recent BBC Panorama reportage ‘Crisis in Care: Follow the Money’ by amending the Health and Care Bill to prevent financial assistance being mis-used. Co-sponsors of the motion are Caroline Lucas, Dan Carden, Kate Hollern, Kim Johnson and Jim Shannon.

Gross Domestic Wellbeing | Early Day Motion #1235

Gross Domestic Wellbeing | Early Day Motion #1235

APPG chair Caroline Lucas MP tabling EDM—calling on the House of Commons to welcome the recent work on Gross Domestic Wellbeing by the Carnegie Trust, the aim of developing holistic approaches to understanding and measuring progress that focus on people’s wellbeing, rather than GDP growth; and to put this agenda at the heart of all policy making, including budgets, as part of ‘Building Back Better’.

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